My countdown

Early bird ends Sunday 8pm UK time and price increases

Are you:

  • Struggling to make money in your Spiritual Business?

  • Trying to figure out how to tell people what you do exactly and get paid for your healing work?

  • Feeling burned out with your business's never-ending to-do list that doesn’t seem to be getting you anywhere?

  • Watching ALL the other overnight successes and feel clueless about how to make your business work for you?

That’s what’s happening to most spiritual businesses right now.

They’re chronically overdelivering and undercharging and that’s if they can even figure out how to get consistent clients!

90% of small businesses fail in the first 5 years
Because they never learned how to RUN A BUSINESS!


  • Set up the 4 essential pillars for spiritual business success in every healing industry

  • Finally, make good money, feel good about being paid and combine energy with practical business to create something sustainable, fulfilling AND profitable.

  • Reach thousands of new clients around the world who are happy to pay you for your healing gifts and get amazing results

  • Break through years of generational patterns of money blocks and beliefs to unlock the keys for a successful spiritual business

And so much more…..


Let’s make this an incredible year for you and your business

Book your place right now!

ONLY 44 Places Available!
AND First 10
to Sign up for the year

Also Get a Free Angelic Sparks Session Private 121 with Aishling!

What are you waiting for?
Don’t walk… RUN and get yourself in this exclusive Mastermind
It’s a complete no-brainer and THE best investment you’ll make in yourself and your Spiritual Business EVER!

My countdown

Early bird ends Sunday 8pm UK time and price increases


Get Clarity and a Plan To Make Your Spiritual Business A Thriving Success

Calling Spiritual Business Owners

Beta Testers!

Early Bird Incredible value Offer coming up

Must join before 22nd September

What’s Inside Spiritual Business POWER Mastermind?

  • Bi-Monthly Deep Dive and Coaching Sessions X 24 per year         €2000

  • Private online learning platform   €500

  • Private Facebook Community for networking and

    peer learning and support   €2000

  • Spiritual Biz Basics Masterclass X 2 per year  €1000

  • FULL ACCESS to the POWER Vault Biz & Life   €3500

      TOTAL VALUE €10,000 plus

What’s in the Power Vault?

Spiritual BIZ Programmes

Abundant Heart Programme €997

Heart centred Sales     €1111

365 Marketing for your

spiritual business   €777

Spiritual Webinars that sell       €47

Spiritual Biz Breakthrough   €297

Spiritual LIFE Programmes

Transform with Angels  €197

A to Z of Angels      €97

Meet Your Guardian Angel €22

The Forgiveness Course &

steps   €22

Learn to Read Oracle Cards   €97

Total Value €3,500 Plus!

From 23rd September 2024

€997 Annually €97 Monthly


Spiritual Business POWER Mastermind



ONLY 44 Places Available!
AND First 10
to Sign up for the year

Also Get a Free Angelic Sparks Session Private 121 with Aishling!

What are you waiting for?
Don’t walk… RUN and get yourself in this exclusive Mastermind
It’s a complete no-brainer and THE best investment you’ll make in yourself and your Spiritual Business EVER!

This will never, ever be available again at this price!

How does it work?

When you sign up, you immediately get access to TWO of my signature courses: the Abundant Heart Programme for Spiritual Business Owners and Transform with Angels®, a 12-week journey to connect with your angels and guides.

NEXT you’ll get access to our private Facebook Community on Monday 23rd September and we kick off Welcome & Orientation Week.

Then you’ll get access to your Coaching Call schedule for the Autumn Bi-weekly coaching calls on Zoom, We’ll have our first call during the week of 22nd September.

NEXT every month of your membership another course from our POWER Vault will be released to you to work through at your own pace.

Why on earth is this such good value?

I’m on a mission to create a world of powerful and wealthy lightworkers.
Together we can positively change the world.

Through the books we write, the healing courses we create and the communities we build.

We Rise Together!

Brand New VIP GOLD Package Added!

Would you like to add Private Coaching Calls with Aishling to your Spiritual Business Power Experience?

4 X 121 Quantum Private calls with Aishling, to be used one each quarter throughout out the year.

Limited to 10 VIP GOLD places

“Aishling is such a gift! Sharp, tuned in, deep, and light-hearted.

I booked a session with her when I intuitively sensed I'd have a wobble coming up, and she held such crisp, clear space that the wobble stabilized and I got myself back in flow swiftly.

She spoke truth so beautifully and supportively and the angel card messages were gorgeous and mind-blowingly spot on.

If you value loving and precise guidance to cut through the muck and get straight back into divine brilliance.

Aishling is an indispensable ally on the path! So happy to have been blessed by her guidance and sage wisdom today."

—Anne Rose Hart Chief Spark Igniter and Mischief Maker at

“'Before the session, I was confused, I knew I wanted to move forward but didn’t know how.

Aishling listened to me and understood where I was and what I needed. She talked me through options and ideas of moving forward that were just not on my radar.

Once we started to talk and she opened me up to possibilities, I felt a flow, a readiness.

The oracle cards that came up reiterated everything that Aishling suggested. She has been there, she understands. It's a very grounding, centering feeling when your working with her, like a wise one and a sage who gently brings suggestions and answer.

After the session I feel so much lighter. I have Options, Direction, Clarity, Focus and a new beginning.

I'm so grateful Aishling Thank you so much

Liz Corbett Spiritual Channel, Angel Coach and Medium

I wanted to get clarity in my business on a couple of project opportunities and Ideas I had, and knew that the wisdom and insights that Aishling and the angels could offer would help.

The card reading was perfect. I came away feeling motivated and assured that what I was considering was in totally in the right direction.   I was extremely happy that the reach of my work could go much further than I ever anticipated. WOW!!!  Now time to get going with the suggestions so I can support more people!

I’d recommend working with Ashling as she holds you in most loving and beautiful space whilst you receive whatever gold is waiting to be channeled through from her angelic support team.  There is a great balance of spiritual insight with practical action which I love!! 

If you’re thinking about working with Aishling this is a potent way to do so - you will not be disappointed!

—Marina Beech The Soul Alchemist

‘The best investment in your business and yourself you will ever make’

"Before the Abundant Heart programme I was at the point where I wasn’t sure where to go with my business. I was 9 months in after announcing myself on Facebook etc in business and had tried various other strategies from another course, my own ideas, though nothing was working.

I was giving away lots of free content though I was not reaching my tribe or ideal client and response was fairly low or from family or friends I knew loved me, not colour therapy.

I also had no idea how to market what I was offering and I actually wasn’t offering anything at all. I was giving all this content and then not offering any service in the hope they would contact me and want to work with me.

I was giving myself to the end if my first year before I had a good talking to myself though things weren’t looking great and I was worried deep down though would never have admitted it. The only thing I had going is that I knew I wouldn’t give up as it meant to much to me.

Then thank God Aishling’s programme came along.

I now have a community of people I know are genuinely interested in what I do, I am crystal clear on my ideal client which has made a huge difference. This has drawn in the right people into my community and I know my purpose and my mission.

I have enrolled people onto a programme which felt amazing, I have learnt how to package what I do so it is enticing and people actually want to buy it. I feel relieved firstly and know now that I am on track for the work I have been commissioned to do with my life and soul contract.

I would recommend Aishling as she is extremely intuitive firstly and picks up on things that can change your whole view of yourself and your business. The programme is brilliant, easy to follow and actually works!

Aishling is a wonderful coach and mentor and will celebrate your success with you and help you every step of the way.

If you are struggling like I was I can assure you this is the best investment in your business and yourself you will ever make."

—Roisin McArdle, Indigo Rising Colour Therapy

Before working with Aishling, I could see the end goal but I kept making U-turns either by choice or unconsciously and it was getting harder & harder to find the right path again.

Working with Aishling has given me a map to follow, and a full toolbox to help with anything that might crop up In my spiritual business.

She has taught me to focus in on the next step rather than always thinking about the end goal because in my head it is very scary to hold the picture of me being my most successful & being seen in my full power.

Aishling breaks it down in a way that awakened my inner powerful Boss lady & allow me to feel that ‘I GOT THIS ‘ & I am not on my own.

Since working with Aishling I have more focus & so many new ideas. I am filling in gaps in my business, like working on growing my email list and my social media presence.

She has help me structure a course that I will teach in a few months & without her help I would still be stuck in 'I can’t / Who would want to listen to me?' mode.

Everyone needs an Aishling in their life, someone who has been there, done that, and willing to help you stop you wasting time making the same mistakes over and over again.

She has the Map & she is willing to share it with you. Do yourself a favour & have a chat with Aishling.

—Green Blessing,
Laura Darcy

Having Aishling at my side for the last year has made such a difference in my life and business.

Honestly, being in her presence, with 1:1 sessions, in her programs, listening to her meditations… she directly leads me to a calm and deeply truthful place within my own being. I always believed, through my upbringing that being in the presence of angels is almost fearful.

But through Aishling I’ve learned that if I widen my trust it becomes easy to receive guidance, healing, clear insights, and deep encouragement from the angels to help me bring my soul’s deepest desires to life.

It’s not just directly the session’s themselves- it’s what happens after and within me; from deep childhood wounds and hurts that the angels took from me through one of her meditation within her Angel Course, from stepping up and out with my healing musical remedies that I’ve composed and recorded, to leading retreats to bring women into their intuitive vocal transformation.

It was through being in Aishling’s orbit, with all that she offers to the world, that I fully accept and ask for the angelic help that is available to me.

I wholeheartedly advise anyone to book a session and let her help you connect to a loving force that can clear the way of ANYTHING that stands between you, and what you came here to do in this life.

Elisabeth de Charon de Saint Germain, Mystic, Singer, and Transformational Vocal Coach

‘Bring your own unique gifts to light’

“Aishling the way she works with you and how she gets to the bottom of things, it is an amazing gift that she has and helped everyone to bring their own unique gifts to light which was very special to be a part of it.

This course has made me look at myself and opened my eyes to getting more out for life and what I need to work on to make my dreams a reality. There’s a wonderful energy from Aisling I would really recommend this course.”

—Sharon Brown, Animal Guidance Communicator & Intuitive

I have known Aishling Mooney for 11 years now and always wanted to work with her. I know now it was for a good reason!

I finally got to have 1-on-1 session with her today. I can only say: Wow! I felt immediately uplifted and inspired.

She puts into her work an amazing energy and experience and has a beautiful gift of inspiring others through various stories and messages from an angel realm.

My perspective after the session has shifted completely and even though I am going through some challenges at the moment, I just know that everything is going to work out well.

I am very grateful for meeting Aishling, as she is one of these rare people I feel very safe to speak to and to open up about various aspects of my life. She is a true Earth Angel!

Karolina Nowak Strzelecka, Parenting & Life Coach, EFT Therapist

Before the session I felt I was on a decisive crossroad in my life without knowing where to go. I didn’t have a clear sight, my energy level was low, and I felt a bit stuck.

After the session I felt a lot lighter. My different options became a lot clearer, and Aishling brought up aspects I hadn’t seen clearly before (or didn’t want to see). I got clarity about my priorities and people I want to be with and I have a clear sight on what I need to do now.

I would recommend working with Aishling: she listens between the lines and intuitively senses what need is underneath.

Her beautiful deck of cards helps you feel on a deeper level what is important. At the same time she gives advice with two feet on the ground to make your dreams concrete

Josephine Boijens, entr’actes by Josephine mentor for entrepreneurial women with 1000 ideas & retreats in France and The Netherlands


  • The question to ask yourself is do you want it? And How can I afford it?
    Find the money. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Sell something!

  • How much time do you have really? We will help you get clarity on your actual schedule and where your time is going and help you block according to your time and priorities.

  • We offer two coaching calls per month, which are scheduled on Thursdays. (Exact dates to be advised)

    All calls are held via Zoom at 10 AM UK time. This is the current schedule, and additional dates will be advised later.

  • You’re going to need time to get started. Time to learn new things.

    Yesterday was the best day to start, the next best day is TODAY!

  • This will work, if you work it. Give it a try you can cancel anytime. 3 months if you don’t see movement or clients somewhere then something is wrong and thats what you bring to the coaching calls.

    In your schedule I have client delivery time client enrolment time, money managment time and learning time.

  • If there are places avaialble and it’s a fit for you YES! Or you can go on waiting list for coaching.

  • The law of attraction does work. The law of commitment and action also work. Together they are powerhouses.

    Not every programme or membership is for every person.

    You’ve got to try this and see if this is your tribe, if this is going to work for you. If you are willing to commit 3 to 5 hours MINIMUM to implementing the programme.

  • Once you join the program, we want to ensure you have everything you need to thrive, which is why we provide immediate access to valuable materials and resources. Your success is our priority, and we’ll be with you every step of the way to offer ongoing support.

    While we don't offer refunds, we understand that life can sometimes get in the way. We’ll do everything we can to ensure you have the tools and guidance needed to grow your spiritual business and make the most of this opportunity to share your gifts with the world.

    We encourage you to stay committed and use all the support within the program to empower your spiritual business.

    You can contact us ANYTIME to discuss your payment plan or business journey. We’re here for you!

  • You can cancel your monthly subscription to the Spiritual Business Bundle at any time by reaching out to our support team. Your access will continue until the end of your current billing cycle, after which your membership will not renew.

    For the annual subscription, once the payment is made, we do not offer refunds, but you will retain access to all course materials and resources for the full year.

  • If you have any questions, please email:

    Our team is available Monday to Friday 9am to 1pm In our teams time zone

    We usually respond within 48 hours